Go Red for Women

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Circle of Red/Men Go Red

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Circle of Red - Member (online) (2 included) $0.00
   ~  Recognition on print materials, media presentation and during the luncheon’s program
   ~  Invitation to all Circle of Red/Red Tie Society events
   ~  Recognition as a Patron of the Nashville Heart Society
   ~  2 VIP seats to the Go Red For Women Luncheon

Men Go Red - Member (online) (2 included) $0.00
   ~  Recognition on print materials, media presentation and during the luncheon’s program
   ~  Invitation to all Circle of Red/Red Tie Society events
   ~  Recognition as a Patron of the Nashville Heart Society
   ~  2 VIP seats to the Go Red For Women Luncheon

Middle Tennessee
Go Red For Women

Macy's and CVS Health
Saint Thomas Heart and Ascension logos

Thursday, April 12, 2018
10:00am - 11:45am ~ Wellness Expo
12:00pm - 1:00pm ~ Luncheon

Marathon Music Works
1402 Clinton Street
Nashville, Tennessee 37203

General Inquiries & Event Sponsorship Inquiries
Hannah Grogan
(615) 340-4127